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Autumn, we salute you

The Bindweed has climbed, twisting high, higher, seeking, clinging, trumpeting its presence amongst the heights of hemp agrimony, flowers now huddled close, dry, pale, papery, past their prime. Sky reaching fireweed, seed pods marched, upwards towards leftover tufts of fading petals atop a once flaming spire. The creeping thistle bowed against the breeze, a swaying mass of needled leaf and stem, breathes out a cumulus cloud of softest down, to float and dance with the chasing golden Finch and greedy Linnet. Whilst the Teasels wore their purple waistcoats, the rolling, striped, stubble fields whispered harvest tales to the scarlet poppies nodding wisely beside the gate, spilling fragile petals upon the chalk, where cornflowers lingered like fallen fragments of summer sky. Swallows that gathered on the wires long gone, from now silent barns, the orchard windfalls autumn treats for the Hornet and Red Admiral. Puddles of September rain that filled every chalky rut and furrow, now shiver in the cooling winds that bring the first golden leaves, to gather in the shallows and float like fairy boats at anchor around the reflected October Moon.

Oh, how you shine October moon, silvering the Travellers Joy atop the hedge and bringing with you the promise of misty dawns with flying geese, colourful woodland floors of magic fungi and the echo of the roaring stag.

Autumn, we salute you.

Words and pictures by Artist and Druid © 2023 unless otherwise indicated.

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